
109 Artikel tersedia

How to Implement Golang's Singleton Design Pattern

How to Implement Golang's Singleton Design Pattern

Basic Definition

Singleton is a software design standard. This standard guarantees the existence of only one instance of a class, while maintaining a global point of access to its objects.

Creating a Simple Distibuted Search Engine Using Worker Pool on Golang

Creating a Simple Distibuted Search Engine Using Worker Pool on Golang


You know Google is a place where we search for several keywords that can produce various millions of information that we can get just by typing a few keywords and in less than 1 second we can already get various information related to the keywords we are looking for. This is an example of a miniature or simple search engine version of how we can implement a worker pool into an engine that is useful for searching.

Concurrency Worker Pool Implementation on Golang

Concurrency Worker Pool Implementation on Golang

Basic Definition

A Worker pool is a goroutine management technique in concurrent programming in Go-Lang with powerfull processes. A number of workers are executed and each has the same task of completing a number of jobs. With this worker pool method, the use of memory and program performance will be optimized.

How to Implement Concurrency Pattern Fan In and Fan Out on Golang

How to Implement Concurrency Pattern Fan In and Fan Out on Golang

Channels in Go

Creating concurrent programs in Go has a unique approach to handle and to implementation when we want share memory to communication. The approach is to share memory by communicating, instead of communicating by sharing memory which is not allowed in Go. This approach can be done by using channels that can be used by goroutines to communicate with each other.

How to implement Binary Search and Tree Golang

How to implement Binary Search and Tree Golang

Basic Definition

Data structure Binary Search and Tree is a pattern used for tree -based search. Before you further know Binary Search Tree commonly called BST, you need to first understand the concept of tree. Tree (tree) is a form of data structure that illustrates the hierarchical relationship between its elements (such as one to many relations). A node in a tree can usually have several more nodes as branching over him.

How to implement queue (queue) in Go Language

How to implement queue (queue) in Go Language

Basic Definition

Queue or often we know is a queue data structure where the data we enter will be delivered, in other words the first data will come out first. Usually we often know that Istra FIFO (First in First Out).

How to Determine Consonant Vowels in Golang

How to Determine Consonant Vowels in Golang


Determining consonant vowels here will be divided into several examples. Later we will know better which processes will be carried out sequentially. What we already know is that the vowel characters are a,i,u,e,o and this will be a condition in the program later.

How to Implement Stack in Golang

How to Implement Stack in Golang

What is a stack?

Stack is one that is commonly used in programming or computer storage systems. For ‘programmers’ or those usually involved in the IT world, you must be familiar with this term. Stacks are used to make it easier to organize data. So what exactly is Stack? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using it? OK, Santekno will explain to you in more detail and Santekno will provide a very easy sample for implementing the stack.

How to implement a single double linked list in Golang

How to implement a single double linked list in Golang

Basic Definition

If you’ve read and read about the Linked List, you can first read Santekno’s post Single Linked List and Double Linked List

Getting to Know Pointers in Golang

Getting to Know Pointers in Golang

We know that sending a variable to a function can be a parameter or a pointer. This pointer is usually a data allocation with a certain address. An example can be seen in the program below.

Getting to Know Structs and Interfaces in Golang

Getting to Know Structs and Interfaces in Golang

Although it is possible for us to write programs using only Go’s built-in data types, at some point it will become very tedious. Consider a program that interacts with a form like the code below.

Getting to know Data Types in Golang

Getting to know Data Types in Golang



There are integer types that we can use, including uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, int8, int16, int32 and int64. The following is an example of using integer type variables in the go program: