
Deployement Service to Google Kubernetes Engine Cloud (GKE)

This time we will try to deploy our service to the Google Cloud Platform Server. Google Cloud has been specifically provided for deployment in the form of Kubernetes, namely in the form of Google Kubernetes Engine so that when we want to deploy our services it becomes easier.

You also need to know that if we haven’t subscribed to Google Cloud, we first need to subscribe or register for free for the first year to be able to use Google Cloud with our respective Gmail accounts.

So, let’s try accessing the Google Cloud website on this site Google Cloud and choose the console or register if you have not access to the Google Cloud.

Create a Kubernetes Cluster

Preparations if we want to deploy our services on GKE, we need to carry out the following stages.

  1. Create a Kubernetes Cluster on Google Cloud, if you want to understand more, read several steps there and we can also do customization starting from virtual cloud specifications such as memory requirements, CPU and others.

    create cluster

  2. Select the create button after all the configurations have been set, or if you want the default then just press the create button until you wait for the cluster to be successfully created as below.

    waiting until success is created

  3. When finished, we continue by selecting Connect to the cluster that we have created.

    connection to cluster

  4. A pop up will appear and then copy the terminal and select Run in Cloud Shell

    connect popup

  5. A terminal will appear at the bottom of the display, then enter and wait until everything is finished.

    kubernetes command line

    If it appears on the terminal as below, it means the process is complete
    ihsan_android@cloudshell:~ (genial-upgrade-162704)$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials voting-app --region asia-southeast1 --project genial-upgrade-162704
    Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data.
    kubeconfig entry generated for voting-app.

Clone YAML Files

Prepare the YAML file template that we have previously created or can clone on [this] github (

git clone
cd kubernetes-for-beginners/
ls -l
total 20
drwxr-xr-x 7 ihsan_android ihsan_android 4096 Mar 25 07:03 demo
drwxr-xr-x 2 ihsan_android ihsan_android 4096 Mar 25 07:03 deployments
drwxr-xr-x 2 ihsan_android ihsan_android 4096 Mar 25 07:03 pod
drwxr-xr-x 2 ihsan_android ihsan_android 4096 Mar 25 07:03 replicasets
drwxr-xr-x 2 ihsan_android ihsan_android 4096 Mar 25 07:03 services

Let’s see all file that already to clone on this repository, then create the command bellow to deploy all services

kubectl create -f demo/voting-app/voting-app-deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f demo/voting-app/voting-app-service.yaml
kubectl create -f demo/result-app/result-app-deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f demo/result-app/result-app-service.yaml
kubectl create -f demo/redis/redis-deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f demo/redis/redis-service.yaml
kubectl create -f demo/postgres/postgres-deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f demo/postgres/postgres-service.yaml
kubectl create -f demo/worker-app/worker-app-deployment.yaml

waiting for a minutes or we can see to make sure the status the services will be running or not with the command below.

kubectl get svc,deployment,pods

The result will be show below.

NAME                     TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
service/db               ClusterIP    <none>        5432/TCP       44s
service/kubernetes       ClusterIP     <none>        443/TCP        36m
service/redis            ClusterIP    <none>        6379/TCP       45s
service/result-service   LoadBalancer   <pending>     80:30140/TCP   47s
service/voting-service   LoadBalancer    <pending>     80:31376/TCP   50s

NAME                                    READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/postgres-deployment     0/1     1            0           45s
deployment.apps/redis-deployment        0/1     1            0           46s
deployment.apps/result-app-deployment   0/1     1            0           47s
deployment.apps/voting-app-deployment   0/3     3            0           51s
deployment.apps/worker-app-deployment   0/3     3            0           42s

NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/postgres-deployment-c9fdd58fd-ftljj      0/1     Pending   0          45s
pod/redis-deployment-5989f8dddf-jbtrg        0/1     Pending   0          46s
pod/result-app-deployment-5d9f49b9ff-mrc2g   0/1     Pending   0          47s
pod/voting-app-deployment-65684bb646-5q2gc   0/1     Pending   0          49s
pod/voting-app-deployment-65684bb646-6cbph   0/1     Pending   0          49s
pod/voting-app-deployment-65684bb646-rgr56   0/1     Pending   0          50s
pod/worker-app-deployment-fd4cb7b6d-4wmg2    0/1     Pending   0          42s
pod/worker-app-deployment-fd4cb7b6d-6p4j5    0/1     Pending   0          42s
pod/worker-app-deployment-fd4cb7b6d-nl25s    0/1     Pending   0          42s

work list pods

If we want to see the Public IP of the voting-app and result-app services then we need to look at the workfload menu

show ip public

We can see the Public IP voucher with a display like this.

IP Address voting apps

If you have got the Public IP Address, it will appear in the browser like this.

voting app browser

Voting App

result app browser

Results App

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