#Kubernetes for Beginners

11 articles

Deployement Service to Google Kubernetes Engine Cloud (GKE)

Deployement Service to Google Kubernetes Engine Cloud (GKE)

This time we will try to deploy our service to the Google Cloud Platform Server. Google Cloud has been specifically provided for deployment in the form of Kubernetes, namely in the form of Google Kubernetes Engine so that when we want to deploy our services it becomes easier.

Implementation Microservices Architecture using Kubernetes

Implementation Microservices Architecture using Kubernetes

On this occasion we will try to create an application that has implemented Microservice Architecture using Kubernetes. To better illustrate how we will try to make it, we can look at the picture below.

Understanding Kubernetes Services

Understanding Kubernetes Services

Kubernetes Service provides communication between components inside or outside the application. These Kubernetes Services will help connect applications to each other and connect to users as well.

Understanding Kubernetes Networking

Understanding Kubernetes Networking

Networking on Kubernetes is very challenging because you need to know how computer networks communicate. Kubernetes has a machine or virtual machine sharing mechanism between each application. So Kubernetes works using ports where the ports cannot be the same as others to avoid port conflicts.

Understanding Kubernetes Deployments

Understanding Kubernetes Deployments

We want to learn how to Kubernetes working in the development process. Kubernetes will gives some tags environments until we know the deployment what the labeling.

Understanding Kubernetes Replica Controller dan Replicaset

Understanding Kubernetes Replica Controller dan Replicaset

Replica Controller

Replica Controller is a mechanism used to replicate applications and we can handle it when our application has a failure or initializes a failed POD. So with this Replica controller we can adjust the scale of our running application.

Understanding PODs Kubernetes

Understanding PODs Kubernetes

We will try to create a pod using a YAML file on Kubernetes. Kubernetes usually uses YAML files to create configuration objects related to PODs, replicas, deployments, services and others.

Introduction YAML Syntax

Introduction YAML Syntax

YAML Configuration

A YAML file is used to represent the data that want to configure or settings on the applications to make easy and readible. The case configuration data here is a quick comparison of sample data in three different formats.

Understanding Kubernetes Architecture

Understanding Kubernetes Architecture

Era Deployments

evolution deployments

In the picture above you can see the current deployment era.

Introduction Learn Kubernetes

Introduction Learn Kubernetes


  • Colima
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Minikube

Understanding Kubernetes or K8s

What we more often call containterize + orchestration