
14 articles

09 How To Use Streaming Encoder

09 How To Use Streaming Encoder

Introduction to Stream Encoders

Apart from JSON Decoder, this JSON package can also support Encoder which is used directly JSON into io.Writer. So that way we don’t need to store the JSON data first into a string or []byte variable, so we can just write it directly into io.Writer.

08 How To Use Streaming Decoder

08 How To Use Streaming Decoder

Introduction to Stream Decoder

In the previous article, we studied the JSON package by using conversion of JSON data which was already in the form of variables and string data or we used []byte. Sometimes the JSON data comes from input in the form of io.Reader, which can be in the form of a file, network or request body. So we could just read all the data first, then store it in a variable and then convert it from JSON, but we don’t need to do this because the JSON package has a feature for reading data from Stream.

07 How To Use Maps

07 How To Use Maps

Map Use

When we use JSON we sometimes encounter cases of dynamic JSON data, which means that the attributes formed by JSON are uncertain, can increase or decrease and are not even fixed. So in cases like this, if we unmarshal using Struct, it will be difficult because in the struct we have to define all the attributes.

06 How to know JSON Tags

06 How to know JSON Tags

Introduction to JSON Tags

By default, if we create a struct and marshal it, it will be mapped according to the same attribute name and is case sensitive. So what if we want to differentiate the style between naming attributes in structs and those converted into JSON? For example, in structs we use PascalCase but in JSON we want to use snake_case. To support this, the json package supports Tags Reflection, namely tags that can adjust the Json name which we will later convert into JSON so that the tribute in the struct will be converted according to the name into JSON.

05 How to know JSON Array

05 How to know JSON Array

Introduction to JSON Arrays

Apart from JSON in Object form, usually in JSON we can also use the Array data type. Actually, JSON arrays are similar to those in JavaScript where there are primitive data types or complex data types such as object arrays.

04 How to know Decode JSON

04 How to know Decode JSON

Introduction to JSON Decoding

In the previous article we learned to encode JSON and how to create a JSON object, so next we will learn how to translate JSON objects into struct objects in Golang. We often call this conversion from JSON into a Golang struct object as decode.

03 How to know JSON Object

03 How to know JSON Object

Introduction to JSON Objects

In the previous article we studied encoding data such as string, number, boolean and other primitive types. But there is one case in the unit test which is made in the form of a struct object. So, this time we will study the objects of JSON in more depth. JSON data is in the form of objects and arrays, while the values can be objects again or directly data with other primitive types.

02 Encode JSON

02 Encode JSON

Introduction to JSON Encoding

The Golang language already provides functions for JSON data conversion needs, namely we can use this function

01 Introduction Package

01 Introduction Package

Introduction to JSON

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation which is a data format structure that looks like Object from JavaScript. JSON is the most widely used data format currently for creating RESTful APIs. All languages can use the JSON format because it can become a standard format for communication between services even if they use different languages. For example, one service uses Golang and another service uses Java, so that it can communicate well it needs the same format, namely JSON, which can standardize the format of the two languages in our service. You can visit https://json.org/json-en.html if you want to learn more.

Introduction and Implementation of Golang Embed

Introduction and Implementation of Golang Embed

Introduction to Embed Packages

Since Golang released version 1.16 there is a new feature called Embed. This embed package is a feature that makes it easier to open the contents of a file at compile time, automatically inserting the contents of the file into the variables that we have defined. For more details, you can see here.

Getting to Know Hashes Cryptography in Golang

Getting to Know Hashes Cryptography in Golang

Hashes & Cryptography

The hash function takes a set of data and reduces it to a smaller fixed size. Hash is often used in programming for everything from searching data to easily detecting changes. The hash functions in Go are divided into two categories namely cryptographic and non-cryptographic. Non-cryptographic hash functions can be found under the hash package and include adler32, crc32, crc64 and fnv.

Get to know Container List and Sort in Golang

Get to know Container List and Sort in Golang

In addition to arrays and maps, Go has several more collections available under the container package. We’ll look at the container/list package as an example.