2 articles

06 How to Used Response Code in Golang
Introduction to Response Codes
Something we also need to know about HTTP is the response code. This is a representation of the response code, where from this code we can see whether a request we sent from the client was successfully processed by the server or failed to be processed by the server. So there are lots of response codes that we can use when creating a website. You can immediately look in more depth at several HTTP Status Codes here https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status

04 How to Used Request Header in Golang
Header Introduction
Apart from query parameters on HTTP, we can also use Headers. Headers are additional information that is usually sent from the client to the server or vice versa. In the Header, not only in the HTTP Request but in the HTTP Response we can also add header information. When we use a browser on our computer, usually headers will automatically be displayed by the browser such as browser information, types of content sent and received by the browser and much more.