4 articles

How to Implement Stack in Golang
What is a stack?
Stack is one that is commonly used in programming or computer storage systems. For ‘programmers’ or those usually involved in the IT world, you must be familiar with this term. Stacks are used to make it easier to organize data. So what exactly is Stack? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using it? OK, Santekno will explain to you in more detail and Santekno will provide a very easy sample
for implementing the stack.

How to Create a Stack Using the Standard Template Library
Stack is a data structure that provides data like a stack in a glass, so if data is put into a glass the first one will be the last to be taken, then this data structure adheres to the LIFO (Last In First Out) rule. )
. The meaning of LIFO is that the last person in will be the first to leave.

How to Create a Stack using Double Linked List
Stack is a data structure that provides data like a stack in a glass, so if data is put into a glass the first one will be the last to be taken, then this data structure adheres to the LIFO (Last In First Out) rule. )
. The meaning of LIFO is that the last person in will be the first to leave.

How to Create a Stack using C++ Arrays
Stack is a data structure that provides data like a stack in a glass, so if data is put into a glass the first one will be the last to be taken, then this data structure adheres to the LIFO (Last In First Out) rule. )
. The meaning of LIFO is that the last person in will be the first to leave.