
9 articles

Knowing and Implementing Atomic Sync in Golang

Knowing and Implementing Atomic Sync in Golang

Introduction to sync.Atomic

For atomic operations on variables in golang, the sync/atomic package offers certain low-level methods. In Go, these methods allow multiple goroutines to safely modify shared variables without using locks or other explicit synchronization. Functions like AddInt64, AddUint32, CompareAndSwapInt32, etc. used to perform basic arithmetic on different types of variables can be found in the atom package. The AddInt64 method for example, guarantees that modifications made by other goroutines will be seen when adding a certain value to an int64 variable in atomic style.

Getting to Know Sync Cond on Golang

Getting to Know Sync Cond on Golang

Introduction of sync.Cond

sync.Cond is a locking process that is used with certain conditions. sync.Cond in the Golang synchronization package implements conditional variables that can be used in scenarios where multiple readers are waiting for concurrent resources. Cond pooling point: multiple goroutines waiting, 1 goroutine notification event occurs. Each Cond is associated with a Lock **(sync.Mutex or sync.RWMutex) that should be added when modifying the condition or calling the wait() method, to protect the condition.

Getting to Know Sync Once On Golang

Getting to Know Sync Once On Golang

Introduction of sync.Once

We can use this feature in Golang to ensure that a function is executed only once. Sometimes if we already have many goroutines that are accessing, then with sync.Once we can make sure that only the goroutine that has the first access can execute the function. So if there are other goroutines that are running, they will not execute and ignore the function.

Getting to Know Sync Map on Golang

Getting to Know Sync Map on Golang

Introduction to sync.Map

This sync.Map is actually very similar to the regular Generic Golangnya map, but the difference is that this map is safe to use during concurrent goroutines.

Getting to know the Sync Pool on Golang

Getting to know the Sync Pool on Golang

Introduction to sync.Pool

We often hear sync.Pool when implementing a design pattern called Object Pool Pattern. A Pool is a temporary set of objects that can be stored and retrieved individually. A Pool is safe to be used by multiple goroutines simultaneously.

Knowing Deadlock and How to Overcome It in Golang

Knowing Deadlock and How to Overcome It in Golang


One of the problems that occurs when using concurrent or parallel is the deadlock system. What is deadlock? Deadlock is an event where a concurrent process or goroutine waits for each other (lock) so that none of the goroutines can run. So be careful if you create an application or program that implements mutex lock and unlock using goroutines. Well we will try directly how to simulate the golang program when there is a deadlock.

How to Create RW Mutex and Its Use in Golang

How to Create RW Mutex and Its Use in Golang

Introduction to Sync.RWMutex

After we have learned Introduction and Creation of `Mutex` in the previous post, then we will continue to the next stage which is the introduction of RWMutex. Now what is the difference with the previous one?

How to Create Mutex and Its Use in Golang

How to Create Mutex and Its Use in Golang

Introduction of Sync.Mutex

Mutex or stands for Mutual Exclusion is a way to overcome race conditions in the Golang language. Mutex can be used to do locking and unlocking of a mutex so that if it is locked it will not be able to do locking again until we do unlocking.

How to Implement Golang's Singleton Design Pattern

How to Implement Golang's Singleton Design Pattern

Basic Definition

Singleton is a software design standard. This standard guarantees the existence of only one instance of a class, while maintaining a global point of access to its objects.